Saturday 5 August 2006

Nothing is ever simple with a laser. But at least there are hippos!

We're having laser issues again. At this stage I'm ready to cry!! After almost a week of no chemistry flights (while waiting for gases to arrive from various corrupt African nations) the stepper motor has decided to have a wobbley. It's been stroppy before but it sorted itself out on its own. We're waiting for aircraft to return now to see if it's decided to cop itself on again. If not, I'm throwing a strop myself and going out to get hammered. Ok, maybe not. I guess it'll just be a late night tonight and a long day tomorrow but i'd prefer to be measuring something!!

On Wednesday we went to see the Hippos upriver. It was a scorching day tho and the hippos were barely moving above the water. They don't pose as nicely as the giraffes. But the locals are a lot more afraid of hippos than giraffes! Hippos kill more people in Africa every year, except for Malaria. It's a sobering thought when you are paddling along in a little timber pirogue. Especially when the slightest wave would sink you all. The side of the boat was about 3 cm above the river level. I was still more afraid of what I'd catch from the river than any animal attack... All the pics so far can be seen on the usual Niger photos page.

I've done some interesting shopping in Niger. We haven't had a chemistry flight in about a week so I've had time (between writing my report, of course :o) to go look around the city. The museum has lots of arty stuff and I want to go back before leaving to pick up some stuff. It's a LOT less insane than the markets. They are great fun but hectic. I really enjoy haggling. I know they won't sell anything at a loss but I don't want to rip anyone off here either so I have been paying what I think it's worth here. It's probably slightly above the locals price but I don't mind too much. In my enjoyment of haggling I even managed to buy an African drum! Now I have no idea how I am going to get it home but it's great fun to thump on when I'm felling frustrated with FAGE (that's a lot today!!) It's bound to be easier to get home than the Tuareg sword I drunkenly bought for £4 the other night. It's probably longer than my hurley at home so I make it about 36" long in a leather scabbard. I think it was supposed to be a Christmas present for my brother but I think it'll probably end up being a pressie for the customs officials. For £4 I can't really complain!!

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