After a dodgy start, which involved Imodium and a couple of toilet breaks (nasty.. :), I managed to measure OH and HO2 for the first flight. It was really interesting to see how life is tied to the river in the Sahel regions. Water really does control life out here...
And I thought everything was going well for the second till the laser died on take-off. I was gutted. An over-compliance error came up for the YAG. How can something be OVER-COMPLIANT!! Stupid thing. Well it has happened before so I wracked my brain to try and remember what Trev did the last time. I fiddled around with stuff and finally got the laser working again. The only problem was that the power was half what it was pre-take off and the timing was going insane!! So I made an excutive decision and turned the laser and pumps off till the cabin temp dropped 5
After 9 hours of standing around trying to measure HO2 in +30